
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Respiratory Complications

The most common respiratory complication is pulmonary collapse. During monotonous tidal ventilation, progressive alveolar atelectasis occurs until a deep breath is taken to apply sufficient pressure to reopen the collapsed alveoli. These deep breaths occur five to ten times hourly in normal resting adults.

Normal lung compliance and alveolar aeration is abolished by general anesthesia, by narcotic drugs, such as morphine and by the effects of the ventilator, with the result that widespread alveolar collapse and fluid buildup is invariably present following surgery.

Deep breathing exercises with emphasis on sustained inspiration to total lung capacity has been consistently effective in inflating alveoli and preventing postoperative pulmonary complications. Preoperative instruction includes the practice of proper deep breathing and coughing maneuvers. Unfortunately, recovering thoracic surgical patients are frequently non-compliant during their respiratory therapy exercises because of pain or fear of pain. Heart Hugger™ provides patients with the pain relief to continue their respiratory therapy and coughing excursions.
    Heart Hugger™ can help increase the lung volume of your patients, getting them back to pre-op respiratory levels quicker, keeping them on your clinical pathway.

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