
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Legal Disposal of Hazardous Formalin and Disinfectant Waste

The main objective of treating aldehyde-containing waste is to remove its toxic properties from our drinking water; thereby reducing the likelihood of getting aldehyde related cancer or sensitization. The Neutralex® treatment technology is government approved for treating toxic aldehyde waste. It completely detoxifies aldehyde waste in less than 15 minutes.
Neutralex is designed to produce a non-toxic solution that can be disposed to the sewer system
without fear of contaminating the environment. The treatment standard involves mixing the aldehydecontaining waste with a specified amount of Neutralex®. The Neutralex Starter pack contains all necessary documentation to comply with governmental waste treatment and disposal standards. Neutralex® is the only hazardous waste technology that is Government Certified. Neutralex® is authorized to use the official certification seal of California EPA and California DTSC. The purpose of this certification is to provide an independent technical evaluation of a technology, to establish quality standards, to verify non-toxic characteristics, to facilitate prudent environmental regulatory and to insure end-user acceptance. If the certification seal is not present on the packaging, you are using an illegal product, and disposing of hazardous waste in an unlawful manner. Many times, medical and dental facilities are inspected by quality assurance auditors, like the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), or by the College of American Pathologists (CAP). InCalifornia, the Medical facilities and Laboratories are also inspected by their local CUPA. Neutralex® has been extensively used to treat histopathological formalin waste. Typical waste streams include tissue transportation containers and tissue processors. The technology has also been used to treat alcoholic formalin and many other formalin blends. Neutralex® can be used to treat formaldehyde in Hematology System waste. Neutralex® is effective in neutralizing aldehyde present in sterilizing and disinfectants agents used in medical and dental facilities. Glutaraldehyde contained in products like Maxicide and CIDEX Plus antimicrobial agent is effectively neutralized and is suitable for discharge to a domestic sewer system. Neutralex® is also effective in treating CIDEX® OPA. The purpose of the certification program is to provide an independent technical evaluation of technologies to identify those meeting applicable quality standards, so as to facilitate regulatory and
end-user acceptance and to promote and foster growth ofCalifornia’s environmental technology
industry. DTSC’s proposed decision to deny re-certification is subject to public review and comment.
Written comments must be submitted to DTSC no later than 30 days after publication of this notice.  All
comments will be considered and appropriate changes will be made prior to publishing DTSC’s final

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