
Thursday, November 3, 2011

E-commerce on WordPress Disadvantages

There are a few shopping cart plug-ins for WordPress platforms, such as WP E-commerce. However, this type of shopping cart is not really practical for large e-commerce sites with very large product stock, or sites that need a lot of more complex and application rich features, such as community areas, social media features, forums, and other multi-level websites.
WordPress Disadvantages
The most common disadvantage mentioned by users who opt for Joomla or another CMS, is the inability to change the source code to really customize it, without causing multiple problems with configuration. Because WordPress was not originally intended to be a general CMS, the source code is not nearly as flexible. It cannot produce a truly customized site via custom source code changes. Users argue that plug-in additions enable a great deal of features with customized options, but plug-ins do not provide nearly the application richness and multi-level functionality that a flexible CMS source code does.
Along the same line, adding too many plug-ins on a WP CMS causes problems. More than a few dozen plug-ins for those that attempt to create a customized experience, are much more likely to slow down the system, cause errors and bugs, and overwhelm the WP system.
Essentially, the appeal of WordPress CMS is its user-friendly, SEO-friendly simplicity. When users attempt to bury it underneath 50 different plug-ins just to obtain a certain level of functionality and application depth, this is when WordPress ceases to be the best option. Much like the simpler shopping cart platform and plug-ins that best serve small to medium business websites, the same applies to WordPress. If a business or service website needs multi-level usability – news feeds, forums, community areas, social networking, or portals, such as those often used by corporate or education sites – then WordPress is not the best choice, because it cannot support these complexities.

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