
Friday, December 16, 2011

Advanced Onpage SEO Techniques and Strategies

The strong words you use with the advanced onpage SEO is very important for you to make that lasting and good impression about your website. Full optimization of your webpage is the aim of advanced on page SEO and you can achieve this goal using your targeted keywords.
If you know how to do self-linking through the use of the targeted phrase as your anchor text, that will also help a lot. Contextual links are very common and it is as easy as using the keyword anchor to link one page to another.
This is the right time for you to make use of the advanced on page SEO techniques. Your page must be relevant to the search being made and absolute relevancy can only be achieved if the search engine trusts your site.
Wikipedia and other online dictionary web pages are always at the top of the searches because the search engine considers them authority sites. Of course, your page is not expected to be like these sites but with the use of advanced onpage SEO and if you gain that particular pattern then your web page can also be on top of the SEOs search list.
You should always be able to provide valuable information in your pages. If you want to have higher SERP, always include the keyword in your content. You could even give a definition of the key phrases if you want to. The best strategy is to pattern the style and content of your web page with that of trusted websites. You might be amazed when you see the results.
Advanced onpage SEO techniques also talks about the links within a particular page, which will re-direct the visitor to other sites. This is called internal links and you could use the different variations of your keyword phrases. Crawlers will be able to gather all the relevant information if they can gain access to your internal links.
Do you know that the use of synonyms of your keyword could also help? The algorithms being used by the search engines are consistently changing so you better make your contents easier to be targeted.
Proper use of the external links is also a very important advance on page SEO tip that you should follow. If you could incorporate your link to high authority sites, then it will do you a lot of good. If you have a blog, you should mention your link on the first paragraph therefore.
Exposure is the key to you building your name in the online business. Try to make your webpage look natural as possible and make sure that all the articles including the images are interrelated or correlated with each other.
Crawlers also search for any disclosure or disclaimer pages because of the trust involved. Spiders always aim to give the searcher the benefit of searching for the real data or information that can be found on an authorized site. As such, if your webpage is open and you are not hiding anything, the crawlers will give you the benefit of the doubt and your page will be placed on top of the search engine.
I strongly suggest to take a look at my SEOpressor review to discover the single tool taking care of many advanced onpage seo aspects! Also ensure to get my favorite Onpage SEO Guide to discover even more highly effective onpage seo techniques!

Backlink Indexing – What’s The Big Deal?

It’s common knowledge these days that in order to get high search engine rankings, you need a lot of incoming links to your webpages.
Even for lower competition phrases, it can take a large volume of links to hit the number 1 position for your target key-phrases – and this is particularly the case for newer domains.
The various methods you can employ to get inbound links are covered in detail in other posts, but here’s the problem: only a small percentage of your hard earned inbound links are ever going to be indexed and counted!
In fact, as little as 7% – 20% of your links may be indexed – which is undeniably poor.
If your links aren’t indexed, or to be more precise, if the pages that contain the links back to your site aren’t indexed, the links won’t be counted. And if they aren’t counted, they might as well not even exist.
Nobody wants to waste their time and resources building links that aren’t going to get indexed, so what’s the solution to the problem of backlink indexation?
Firstly, look for links from high quality websites – for example, links from the top article directory, ezine tend to get indexed very quickly. They also ‘stick’, which basically means that they don’t get de-indexed later on.
So, look for links from high quality websites and blogs with high pr at the top level domain ( or home page ).
The second step is to take steps to get your new link pages indexed, such as pinging, and social bookmarking.
This adds a second level of backlinks ( hence the expression ‘backlinking your backlinks ‘), and alerts the search engine spiders to the existence of the new pages and, by extension, the new links to your site.
The third part of the process is to monitor your links to make sure that they are still indexed. If some of them have fallen away, then consider pinging or bookmarking them again, to regain the attention of the search engine spiders.
If all of this sounds like a lot of work, then don’t worry, you’re not imagining things – it is!
But, if you want good results, this is a very basic overview of what you have to do.

Inbound link building basics

As you know by now, an effective search engine optmization campaign involves
concentrating on both on page and off page factors.
On page seo is explained in another post. Here we will examine the area of off
page optimization, which basically refers to the process of inbound link building.
Inbound link building is described as off page seo due to the fact that the links in
question will be coming from off site content – that is, content on someone else’s
Link building is by far the most important part of an seo campaign – some people
say that inbound links to a website will account for up to 90% of its ranking
This is so because when a website links back to your website, the search engines
view this as an endorsement of your site. The more endorsements your site has,
especially from high authority websites, the higher it will rank.
Logical, isn’t it?
One of the most important things, though, is the value of the websites that link
to you.
Some links are more valuable than others – remember, high authority, aged sites
are best.
Having a number of high value links to your site is similar to having a group of
highly influential business contacts recommending you to their inner circle.
As well as this, the anchor text of the link has to be considered. The anchor text
is the clickable text of the link, and ideally it should contain a phrase relevant to
your website’s theme.
To outrank its competitors, a website needs a variety of links, from a variety of
sources, including some, as we have already seen, from high value websites.
There is no doubt that the process of site promotion through inbound link
development is extremely difficult compared to on page seo.
It is labour-intensive, tedious, and results can take several months.
But, the end results are well worth it!
As a business owner, it is certainly possible to attempt on page optimization
yourself, but it is a very bad idea to try to handle your own inbound link building.
It is a job that should only be undertaken by a skilled seo expert.
Here at seo, link building is one of our areas of expertise.
We can take all the hassle out of website promotion for you – you can have a
robust, aggressive inbound link building strategy designed and executed for you,
at an excellent price point.
We’ve developed this mathematical formula:
High value links +
No site-killing mistakes =
A high ranking website.

Understanding Google Page Rank

Page rank is another one of google’s patented algorithims – it assigns a
value to every page of every website in its index.
The page rank scale is usually described as going from 0 to 10, but in
reality, a webpage nearly always begins with a page rank of n/a, or not
applicable, which is even lower than pr 0.
But, how did page rank start, and why? Is it important to your search
engine rankings?
The page rank software was originally conceived by google godfathers,
Sergey Brin and Larry Page ( surprisingly, then, the term ‘page rank’
actually refers to Larry’s surname, not your page – or maybe it’s just
a play on words ). Here’s how it works:
When your webpage receives a high volume of incoming links, especially
links from high page rank pages ( or even from web pages on sites which
have high pr on their top level domain, or home page ), a degree of page
rank is then passed from their page to your page ( this is where the
theory of page rank bleed originates from ).
Contrary to appearances, a page rank 2 link is not twice as valuable as a
pr 1 link, for example.
It is more like this: one pr 2 link is equal to ten pr 1 links, one pr 3
link equals 10 pr 2 links, and so on – There is considerable power in high
page rank links.
So, high pr links can pass page rank to your website. But, are there other
factors that influence the page rank of your web pages?
Yes, the quality and quantity of your website content is another factor -
both from the perspective of attracting links from high pr websites, and
also for increasing the intrinsic value of your own website from google’s
You may be wondering, though, if page rank has much of an influence over
your position in the google index. After all, this is what counts.
The page rank of your page doesn’t necessarily improve it’s position in the
search engines – many times you will see low pr pages beating high pr pages
in the search engine results.
Page rank is a ranking factor, but it is only one of many, many factors that
affect your positioning in the serp’s.
If you have some high page rank links, then this will increase your own page
rank ( which is updated regularly ), but they may or may not increase your
How could this be the case? Any high pr links have the potential to boost pr
on your pages, but only links with relevant keyword anchor text will pass
rank. A high pr website that isn’t ranking for anything is of very little use to
your business.
Ideally, you should have links that are both relevant in terms of anchor text,
and high in page rank – then your pages will get a boost in page rank, and,
more importantly, in search engine positioning.
But, how do you get links like this? This is the tough part – there are many
ways, but they are mostly very time consuming and extremely boring.

No Follow Links

All About No Follow Links
By now, you probably realize the importance of incoming links to your
webpages. You will also have heard that not all links are created
Some links are of a much higher value than others, depending on the
authority levels ( due to pagerank, domain age and other factors ) of
the website’s that link to you.
But, there is another huge factor that determines the value of any in-
bound link – the no follow attribute.
So, what is the no follow attribute, and why should you be aware of it?
A no follow tag is a simple bit of html code added on to a link ( either
internal, or outbound ) which tells the google search engine bots to
ignore the link.
So, the link is still there for the website visitors’ convenience, but it
does not pass any authority or ranking power to the page it links to,
like a vote that doesn’t count.
So, as a website owner, it is vital that you understand this.
But why would google invent this?
To answer this question, we will need to briefly consider the concept
of page rank ( which is covered in detail in the understanding googlepage rank post ).
Page rank is a scale from 0 to 10, which google uses to describe the
importance of a webpage.
Pages with high page rank are less likely to link out to other websites,
unless they use the no follow tag.
But, why? The reason is what is known as page rank bleed. The idea
is that if a page with a page rank of 6, for example, linked out to other
pages, the page would lose some of its pr.
The more outbound links on the page, the more page rank bleed, or
so the theory goes.
When the rise of blogs, and comment spam ( where a bunch of visitors
leave worthless, irrelevant blog comments containing links back to their
sites ), bloggers went crazy for the no follow attribute to conserve the
page rank of their pages.
Whether page rank bleed is a real problem or not is a matter of debate,
but the fact is that the no follow tag is a very real issue.
So, what can you do about it? The fact is that if a link to your site is
no follow, as opposed to do follow, it is of very little, if any, good to
you from a ranking perspective ( from google, at least ).
Should you still build no follow links to your website, though?
Some people say yes – they reason that these links still count with the
other search engines ( which have a lower market share, by the way ).
Furthermore, many experts advocate getting a number of no follow links
in order to make one’s link profile look more natural, in spite of the puny
ranking value of such links.
So, what should you do?
Well, most seo experts speak from the perspective of engineering their
own links – if you do this, then it will be difficult to have a natural looking
link profile anyway. There are other, more natural, ways to build links.
We definitely wouldn’t recommend going to any trouble to orchestrate no
follow links – it doesn’t make sense.
If google doesn’t count them, why should you?
Plus, you’ll have trouble identifying sites that use the no follow tag. Even
if you use some of the excellent firefox plugins, like ‘no do follow’, its still
extra labour for no good reason.
If you are going to do research like this, do it to identify do follow links,
not no follow ones.
Don’t get overly concerned about adding no follow tags to your own links,
So, to summarize – google is the main search engine to focus on. No follow
links are useless – if you get them naturally, fine, but don’t go hunting for
Focus first and foremost on your own website content!

Advanced On Page SEO

Although relatively unimportant these days, on page SEO is still a factor as far as getting high search engine rankings for lower competition keyphrases is concerned.
In this article we are going to cover some advanced on page optimization strategies that can seriously boost the visibilty of your web-pages ( especially if your domain is aged ).
So, let’s get started…
Title tag:
The title tag is the single most important element of on page SEO – in fact, it is said to be seven times more important than any other on page factor!
The title tag is one of two meta tags that shows up in the search engine results pages – you will also see the title tag at the very top left of the web page itself when it is displayed in your browser.
Make sure that you place your main keyword phrase for the page in the title tag, near the beginning. Placing it at the start will improve it’s visibilty considerably ( known as ‘keyword prominence’ ).
It should be between 4 and 7 words, not exceeding 70 characters.
Here’s an example:
Target phrase:
Meta description tag:
The meta description tag is the second meta tag that shows up in the search engine listings. Again it should contain your target keyphrase for the page, ideally near the start to increase keyword prominence.
This is less important for SEO than the title tag, but it should provide a good summary of the page content and also read well so as to entice searchers to click through to your site to read more.
Limit the meta description tag to 160 characters or less, to avoid getting cropped by the search engines.
This is another meta tag, although it’s not visable to searchers – place your main keyword in here, again at the beginning. Also, add about 2 more related phrases, but make sure that they are included in the body of your page content.
Add your main keyword phrase to the image alternate text of an one of the images on your page, but do not add it to more than one – use secondary keyphrases for the other image alt tags ( again, be certain that the phrases are featured in the page content ).
Stick your keyword in the h1 tag, near the beginning ( optional: consider using h2 or h2 tags featuring the main keyword, too ).
When trying to rank a page in the search engines, aim for at least 400 words. Put the main keyphrase in the first paragraph, near the start. Aim for a keyword density of 1% – 2%, if possible. Also, include the target phrase in the last paragraph, near the end, and a number of times throughout the article.
Make sure your content reads well too, though. Depending on the keyword, it may not be possible to achieve a 1% – 2% keyword density, while still reading well.
If this is the case, work on developing good keyword proximity. This way the content will contain the keywords, and still read well.
Here’s an example:
“Plumber New York”
Natural sounding sentence with good keyword proximity:
“To locate an experienced plumber in New York city, it is a great idea to start by asking your friends and associates to recommend someone…”
Obviously, you can’t use the term “plumber New York” within the article body, and still sound natural. But, in the above example, you get a natural sounding sentence, still containing the keywords with only a small word in the middle.
You can try self linking ( linking to the page you’re on ), using the target keyphrase as the anchor text ( even google does this ). This may seem strange seeing as the page merely refreshes itself, but it does appear to put an added emphasis on the target phrase.
Link to the page from other pages on your site using keyword anchor text, from within the body of the content ( contextual links ).
Link out from the page itself, using the main keyword as the anchor text, either to another page on your own site, or to another site altogether.